“Bauer sucht Frau”: Vorab enthüllt – Dieses Paar ist nach der Hofwoche noch glücklich

The love tally of Bauer sucht Frau Season 20 has, so far, been somewhat underwhelming.

For RTL, the equation of “many farmers equals many love stories” hasn’t exactly paid off this time around.

However, there is a bright spot in the form of Marcel (29) and Jasmin (30), the only couple in the season to conclude their “Hofwoche” (farm week) with a heartfelt declaration of love.

As the preview for Episode 12 on December 16th reveals, it seems that their love story is still going strong even after the cameras stopped rolling.

Bauer sucht Frau": Vorab enthüllt - Dieses Paar ist nach der Hofwoche noch  glücklich | OK! Magazin

In a heartwarming scene, Marcel and Jasmin make a triumphant return, and it’s clear that their bond has only deepened. Jasmin steps out of her car, and the couple immediately embraces before sharing a passionate kiss. It looks like a true “happy ending” for the fan-favorite couple of Season 20.

Millions of viewers have been touched by their emotional journey. Jasmin, a mother to a young son, admitted to Marcel at the end of their Hofwoche that she had never expected to form such a strong connection so quickly. “I would say I feel a little flutter in my stomach when you’re around,” she confessed, fighting back tears. Marcel, in return, expressed his feelings just as openly, telling Jasmin, “I’ve grown so fond of you in such a short time. You bring so much joy, and it really affects me. I want to keep this.”

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